Image courtesy of the artist, Beverly McIver.
Beverly McIver: Face to Face
February 5 – May 23, 2010 @ BMoCA
In Face to Face, Beverly McIver’s powerful and poignant visual story comes alive. Her expressionistic paintings are masterful and bold. Her vigorous brushstrokes work equally well to portray sensitivity and distress, and her paintings appeal both visually and conceptually. Images of the artist herself, her mother, and sister abound, depicting them at work, at play, in glee, in fury and depression, dancing, primping and reflecting. The works reveal human relationships in all their complexity, fraught with tenderness and frustrations. In many of the paintings, McIver exposes racial stereotypes and entreats her viewers to confront them. In this exhibition, we come face to face with this exceptional artist as a powerful black woman facing her demons and her strengths.