2014-2015 Exhibitions

Donald Fodness: #fool$pool @ Present Box

MediaLive 2014 @ BMoCA

Susan Wick: Wild Women Never Get the Blues @ BMoCA

Painted Paper, movements through collage @ Macky

Down the Rabbit Hole @ Present Box

Flatlander @ BMoCA

BMoCA + Swoon International Artists Residency: Berndnaut Smilde

Bon Bon: Kristen Hatgi Sink and Jillian FitzMaurice @ Present Box

Substrate @ BMoCA

Margaret Neumann: Inscapes @ Macky

Conor King: Seeing, as I am @ Macky

Todd Reed: Durty Raw, Passion, Love Seduction Money, Lust @ Present Box

Sharon Feder: BUY @ Macky

Defaced @ BMoCA

Game Changer @ BMoCA

Ubuntu @ Present Box

One Thing Leads to Another @ Macky

//the_ART_of_DATA @ BMoCA

Sammy Lee: Beat. Spread Out. @ Present Box

Derrick Velasquez: A Language of Structure @ BMoCA

Anibal Catalan: The Land, The Space, The Square @ BMoCA