Join us for the opening of Claire Ashley: Plump, Pucker, Squish, the Summer 2022 Present Box exhibition.
Reception will include movement performances by co-founder Kristen Holleyman and other members of Embodied Arts (co)LAB as inspired by the artwork of exhibiting artist Claire Ashley, whose vibrant inflatables embrace and amplify the slippery, blurred lines between painting, sculpture, installation, and performance. Exhibiting Artist Claire Ashley will be in attendance, and remarks will occur throughout the event.
Image: Claire Ashley, Clown (Bozo) (detail), 2019, Spray paint on PVC coated ripstop nylon, and fan. Image courtesy of the artist.
About Present Box
Present Box is a series of temporary exhibitions that invite artists to transform BMoCA’s lobby and front entrance into innovative installations, performances, and events. The site-specific projects are intended to encourage artists to create work outside their comfort zones and to foster interactive participation. Artists are also urged to explore themes that are relevant for our present time.