DiDVE x Studio Project Spring 2025

Democracy in Dialogue (DiDVE), is a unique cultural storytelling project of the Smithsonian Institution bringing together educators and students from diverse communities to engage in discovery, dialogue, and reflection through a virtual exchange model, investigating and interrogating this compelling question: How has your community played a role in 250 years of the American experiment? The students will become “virtual pen pals,” exchanging stories and histories from their own communities.

BMoCA’s Studio Project

Have a teen interested in art and social justice, who enjoys hanging out with their peers? Encourage them to apply to our spring semester of the Studio Project Teen Program! Open to 9th-12th graders throughout Boulder County.

Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA) in collaboration with Firehouse Art Center (FAC) is currently accepting applications for The 2024-25 Studio Project Teen Program! The free program is open to all 9th–12th graders in Boulder and surrounding counties.


  • Explore various art making styles & mediums;

  • Select guest artists to serve as artist mentors;

  • Discuss social justice issues & create opportunities to impact their communities;

  • Share their artwork & ideas with others through art shows or gatherings.

The 2024-25 Studio Project teen program will run both Fall and Spring semesters. You may apply for one semester or both on this application. This program is free, but applications are required to be admitted.


  • Weekly meetings will be held from 5:30-7pm on Wednesdays, starting in February 2025 for Spring.

  • Meetings will be held in person at BMoCA, or at FAC; Virtual meetings may be held as needed (i.e. during inclement weather, etc).

  • Complete schedule will be provided prior to start of semester

Program interviews will be scheduled by Zoom, the 2 weeks before the start of the class.

Spring Application Deadline: January 31, 2025 at 8pm MT.

Any questions, contact education@bmoca.org

Image credit: Studio Project Interns with artist in residence Aaron Allen.

Studio Project is generously supported by the Georgie Fund, the Redman Foundation, and Amy & Tim Getzhoff. BMoCA's annual outreach education fund is graciously underwritten by Amanda Christianson & Mike Piché, Madeleine Johnson & Frank Redmond, Margaret & Wiley Johnson, The Pyle Family, Christine & Don Springer, Frasier Retirement Community, Studio B Architecture & Interiors, and the Boulder Arts Commission, an agency of the Boulder City Council.