El Movimiento Sigue – Open Call for Programming Proposals
We invite you to collaborate with BMoCA, and fellow community members to develop free public programs that honor the history of Los Seis de Boulder and spark conversation about the current state of equal opportunity for all people in our community. If you are interested, please consider submitting a proposal for events, discussions, and additional types of programs.
Individuals or groups will be paid for the time invested in program development. BMoCA will help financially underwrite up to eight community-generated proposals, and fund two selected programs as chosen by a panel of community members.
Proposal Information
Up to 8 proposal submissions will be underwritten at $100 a submission. In order to receive payment for proposals submitted, the proposal must include all of the requirements outlined below. *Incomplete applications will not be considered. Proposal honorariums paid on a first come, first served basis.
BMoCA will select up to two proposals to fund up to a maximum of $2000 each.
Proposal Submission Deadline – Please submit all proposals by March 3, 2022. All submissions must be in PDF format and emailed to kiah@bmoca.org. Selected proposals will be announced March 15, 2022.
BMoCA will host one online question session via Zoom on February 17, 2022. To register, please email langley@bmoca.org. If you are writing a proposal and would like some assistance or have any questions, this is a great opportunity to ensure your proposal is on the right track!
Proposal Requirements
Artist/Organization Full Name
Artist/Organization Biography
Project/Program Description (Long & Short)
-Long version should be no more than 300 words
-Short Version should be no more than 50 wordsSpecific goal of the project (Outline one or two goals)
-What do you hope to accomplish with this project? How will you achieve your goal?Budget Breakdown for program execution
-Budget for program execution includes ALL direct and indirect expenses. This can include materials, honorariums, staff time, permits, equipment etc. Please detail where funds will be spent and associated costs.Images/Examples of work to be shown If possible (3-5 images preferred)
How does the project engage the community?
*Proposals submitted with a focus on community engagement will be given priority during the selection processHow is project connected to Los Seis de Boulder/El Movimiento Sigue?
Associated Programs
El Movimiento Sigue Programming Proposals: Listening Session
El Movimiento Sigue Programming Proposals: Online Question Session